Leading Through Change

5 December 2023
Dallas Jackson
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In the whirlwind of today's ever-evolving world, change is like that uninvited guest who insists on staying. Whether it's trying to keep up with new technologies, riding the rollercoaster of market shifts, or managing unforeseen crises, one thing is clear: effective leadership through change is a must. But, let's be honest, leading through change can be about as tricky as juggling flaming torches while riding a unicycle. So, grab a seat and get comfortable as we explore three essential tips for leading through change and uncover the hurdles along the way. 

Tip 1: Communicate Transparently and Frequently 

Communication is like the secret sauce of successful leadership during tumultuous times. Being transparent and talking to your team regularly is like spreading trust butter on the change bread. Share the "why" behind the change, the expected outcomes, and how it'll impact individuals. And here's the tricky part: encourage open dialogue without spamming your team's inbox with more updates than they can handle. We've all been there, right? 


  • Resistance to Change: Picture this: you're the captain of a pirate ship, and your crew is ready to mutiny at the sight of a new map. People hate change because it's like sailing into uncharted waters. Transparent communication can help calm their fears and make them feel like they're on the same adventure as you. 
  • Overcommunication: Finding that sweet spot between keeping everyone informed and becoming an email nuisance is a real challenge. We don't want our messages to vanish into the Bermuda Triangle of the ‘rule’ folder! 

Tip 2: Lead by Example 

Leading by example is like teaching your dog to do tricks – it's all about demonstrating how it's done. Show resilience, adaptability, and a positive attitude. Embrace the change yourself, and don't be afraid to admit when you're stumped or need a helping hand. Remember, you're not just a leader; you're the head cheerleader for change! 


  • Vulnerability: It's like baring your soul on a stage for all to see. Leading by example requires vulnerability, which can be as nerve-wracking as telling your first-grade crush that you like them. But hey, vulnerability breeds authenticity and trust. 
  • Consistency:  Staying on the straight and narrow during change can be like trying to walk on a tightrope during an earthquake. It's tough! Yet, maintaining a consistent example is vital, even when you feel like you're teetering on the edge. 

Tip 3: Provide Support and Resources 

Change can be as overwhelming as a buffet with too many options. Your team may need extra support and resources to navigate the change buffet successfully. Think training, mentorship, and access to tools and information. It's like giving your teammates the right utensils to tackle that smorgasbord of change. 


  1. Resource Constraints: Imagine planning a lavish party with a tight budget – that's how resource constraints feel. Sometimes, leaders face limitations in providing the necessary resources. But hey, creativity and resource allocation can save the day! 
  2. Individual Needs:  Each team member is a unique ingredient in your change recipe. Tailoring support to meet their individual tastes can be as complex as whipping up a gourmet meal. But it's essential for a delicious outcome! 

What Makes Leading Through Change Hard 

Leading through change is a bit like trying to find your car keys in a cluttered drawer – you know they're in there somewhere, but it's a real puzzle. Here's why: 

  1. Uncertainty: Change often feels like navigating a maze blindfolded. Leaders may not have all the answers, and that can be nerve-racking for both them and their teams. It's like searching for treasure without a map. 
  2. Resistance: Dealing with resistance to change is like trying to convince a cat to take a bath – it's a tough sell. People resist because they're afraid of the unknown. Overcoming this resistance takes a mix of patience, empathy, and communication skills. 
  3. Complexity: Change initiatives can be like Rubik's Cubes, only more complicated. Balancing the technical, operational, and human elements of change can make your head spin. 
  4. Timing: Finding the right timing for change is like trying to hit a moving target. Go too fast, and you overshoot. Go too slow, and you fall behind. It's a delicate dance. 

Leading through change is like riding a rollercoaster: thrilling and terrifying at the same time. But with these three tips—transparent communication, leading by example, and providing support and resources—you can navigate the ups and downs with a dash of humor. Remember, change isn't a magic wand, but it's an opportunity for growth and transformation. Embrace it, and your team will follow suit, emerging from the chaos stronger and, hopefully, with a few good laughs along the way! 

Need help navigating a change in your business? 

We'd love to help 

 You might also be interested in this webinar on 

"Leading Others through Change" 

This piece was written by Dallas Jackson, an accomplished business transformation coach and SkillsDG trainer. 

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