LiveOnline vs Classroom Learning

18 June 2024
Toby Thompson
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What are the benefits of each course delivery method and which is best for you?

In today's fast-paced and interconnected world, the way we learn has evolved significantly. With advancements in technology and shifts in lifestyle, training providers now offer a variety of course delivery methods to cater to different preferences and needs. Two of the most popular options, and the ones we offer at SkillsDG and Skills Development Group, are Live Online and Face-to-Face/Classroom courses. Both have their unique advantages, making them appealing to different types of learners. Here, we explore the benefits of each delivery mode to help you decide which might be the best fit for your educational journey.

Live Online Courses: Learning Without Boundaries

The Live Online mode of delivery means that the course meets in real time, online via a remote learning platform. It's a "virtual course" but unlike many pre-recorded modules and courses, these classes meet at regularly scheduled times and you have the opportunity to interact with your instructor and your classroom peers in real time. One of our SkillsDG facilitators, Toby Thompson states, "In my opinion if you can make the learning fast paced, filled with fun and interactive activities where the student is heard and included, engaged in the learning and with each other – then this form of learning beats face-to-face classroom learning hands down." Let's get into why Toby thinks so:

  • Flexibility and Convenience Live online courses provide unparalleled flexibility, allowing learners to attend classes from virtually anywhere. This is particularly beneficial for individuals with busy schedules, those who travel frequently, or those who live far from training locations. All you need is a stable internet connection and a device to participate in the class, making it a highly convenient option.

From an instructor’s perspective:
"Prior to the Covid epidemic face-to-face teaching was the norm and it meant travelling domestically or internationally delivering a range of classes. Video conferencing was quite rare, and most people lived at home and commuted to and from an office. For the instructor there were many hours of time in transit and the costs for the organisation or learner was considerable with per diems, flights, taxis, and accommodation factored in. If you imagine doing this many times throughout the year it became tiring, with many hours not accounted for, away from family and friends and the usual rituals that make up part of someone’s life."

From a student’s perspective:
"Live Online class sessions tend to be shorter in duration so participants may find they don’t feel "behind with their work" as much as they might if they have given up whole days for offsite training. Also the virtual whiteboard, containing all the relevant resources, slides, templates, tools and notes from the training, are accessible to the students long after the class has finished allowing the takeaways to be more conveniently and continually referenced."

  • Accessibility With live online courses, geographical barriers are eliminated. This opens up opportunities for students who might not have access to certain programs or training providers in their local area. Additionally, online courses often offer a wider range of subjects and specializations, enabling learners to pursue their specific interests and career goals.
  • Interactive and Engaging Modern live online courses utilize various tools and platforms to create interactive and engaging learning environments. Features like live chats, breakout rooms, and digital whiteboards facilitate real-time communication and collaboration among students and instructors. This interactive nature helps maintain a high level of engagement and fosters a sense of community, even in a virtual setting.

From an instructor’s perspective:
"As with any training, it is up to the facilitator to ensure Live Online training is inspiring and engaging. We do this by encouraging everyone to contribute, building rapport through interactive exercises, spending time getting to know people and listening to their stories, using humour, and engaging everyone throughout. It's also really important that cameras stay on. I feel if most participants are on camera, then the engagement levels can be higher than if they’re not. As a facilitator I’m keenly aware of facial expressions and interesting backgrounds – I ask about paintings, books, wall hangings and encourage kids to say hi or for people to show off their pets which adds to the personal dimension."

From a student’s perspective:
"The activities are varied and involve plenty of collaboration, interaction, fun and learning. Even though we're all learning together online, we are still able to participate in conversations, games and activities that make time fly by."

  • Cost-Effective Online learning can often be more cost-effective than traditional face-to-face education. Learners save on commuting costs, accommodation, and sometimes even course materials, as many resources are available digitally. This makes training more accessible and affordable for a broader audience. The classes are also more likely to go ahead because the pool of potential participants is greater. Toby says, "I’ve had classes with people from New Zealand, different states of Australia, Singapore, the US, India, and the Philippines in the same virtual space. It’s a wonderful experience for participants because they are learning the same content but also hearing about different cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives."

Face-to-Face Classroom Courses: The Traditional and Time-Tested Approach

  • Personal Interaction and Networking One of the most significant advantages of face-to-face courses is the opportunity for personal interaction. Being physically present in a classroom allows for immediate feedback and clarification of doubts. It also provides a rich environment for networking with peers and instructors, which can be invaluable for building professional relationships and enhancing learning through direct engagement.  Toby adds "this is especially helpful when training whole teams - being together in one space creates a bonding experience and allows larger groups of people to maintain cohesion."
  • Hands-On Experience Certain subjects and skills are best learned through hands-on experience, which face-to-face courses can readily provide. Whether it's lab work, practical exercises, or collaborative projects, being physically present allows for more direct involvement and application of concepts, which can enhance understanding and retention.
  • Structured Learning Environment For many learners, the structured environment of a physical classroom is beneficial. It provides a clear separation between learning time and personal time, helping students to focus and remain disciplined. The routine of attending classes at a set time and place can also foster a sense of accountability and motivation. Toby also points out that "the timings of classroom learning often allows for longer breaks - thereby offering additional opportunity to ask questions or socialise with your peers."

Making the Choice: What Suits Your Needs?

Both Live Online and Face-to-Face/Classroom courses offer distinct advantages, and the best choice ultimately depends on your individual needs, preferences, and circumstances. If you value flexibility, convenience, and the ability to access a wide range of programs, live online courses might be the perfect fit. On the other hand, if you thrive in a structured environment, value personal interaction, and require hands-on learning experiences, face-to-face courses could be more suitable.

At SkillsDG, we are committed to providing high-quality training through both delivery methods. Whether you choose to learn online or in-person, you can be assured you'll receive the support and resources you need to succeed. Explore our offerings and take the next step in your educational journey with confidence.

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Thanks to Toby Thompson, SkillsDG trainer and coach, for his insights and perspective. Toby facilitates both Live Online and Classroom courses for SkillsDG and is well versed in the student outcomes and overall experiences of both methods. With a background in software testing Toby is well established in the landscape of lean, agile, and design thinking.

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